Dakotah's Doggy Daycare, Hotel, Salon, and Training

Have a pet care or service-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and call or text us today for more information!

  • How do I book an appointment?

    At Dakotah's Doggy Daycare, Hotel, Salon, and Training, we provide forms online that you can fill out to register. For questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

  • What kind of play areas do you have?

    We offer the following play areas in our easy-to-get-to location:

    • Indoor play areas
    • Heated outdoor area

    Additionally, all playgroups are supervised by trained staff.

  • How much will it cost to get my dog groomed?

    The grooming cost fluctuates depending on the breed and hair length. Upon online booking, you'll receive a rough estimate of the expense. Most grooming appointments can be accommodated within 1 to 3 days of booking, ensuring prompt service. We guarantee satisfaction with our grooming services. Typically, grooming estimates are provided within the hour for your convenience. Request your grooming service today.

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